Monday, December 13, 2010

A Sinterklaas Poem, specially written for Suman Pant! :-)

Dear Suman,

We were having Sinterklaas together,
it was a lot of fun but that doesn't matter.
You were missing and it broke our heart
because you're sweet, funny and smart.

Merijn was crying and shouted out loud:
"Where is the woman of whom I'm so proud!"
He sat down and started meditation,
but it became a pretty bad creation.
Now wasn't able to find himself at all,
he even searched in the shoppingmall.

Over there he found Laurien in shock,
cause there were no Sumans left in stock.
"What do we do without Suman here?
We'll drink away our sorrows with beer."

We met our dearest Kim in the pub,
and what was there in her cup?
There was no beer but a ginger warmer.
And she was sitting there with a hot farmer.

We decided that beer was no good,
it was time to take some food.
In the restaurant we shared a dinner.
It was nice but didn't make us any thinner.
We told the waiter 'Mitho cha!'
He just laughed and said: "Ha ha ha!"

"Lekker tieten!" someone screamed outside.
It was Suze smiling very bright.
After hearing our story of the day
she fell on the floor and there she lay.

It didn't make us feel any better,
so we decided to write you this letter.
But than the phone rang and Nicole said: "Hajur?!"
It was a monkey calling from Baktapur.
He said: "Hoe hoe hoe, la la la!
Timilai kasto chha?"

"Ramro chha!" Nicole said with a smile,
she had been waiting for Sanne for a while.
Sanne was late, she had missed the train.
This had driven her insane.
She had decided to fool Nicole,
it wasn't a monkey calling after all.

When the whole group finally came together,
and it was nice and cosy weather.
We wrote you this poem to show you that,
we've not forgotten you and that is a fact!

XXXXX Nicole & Sanne

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My special moments